29/9/18 - Juke Joint at Dance the Blues-

The Juke Joint is 'Dance the blues' monthly social, and we couldn't love this gig more. We get to play a bunch of sultry laid back Blues tunes that we adore, whilst watching the fabulous Dance the Blues crowd do their thing. Juke joint is held at the very groovy Brat Cave, we love this bar, it's very cool & the food always smells amazing. 
This months Juke joint coincided with Brisbanes River Fire, so numbers were a little down. But as we always say it's the quality not the quantity of the audience that makes for a great night, and the DTB patrons never disappoint & The Blues Dancing was superb as usual! 
The $15 cover charge, included a free introductory Blues Dance class! So If you've ever thought about giving blues dancing a go make sure you get along to this monthly event. Dance class at 7 pm - Band starts at 8:30

Here's our drummer Clare enjoying an extremely large and very refreshing beer that sure hit the spot (she chose Henry's Lager) on this warm evening.

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