11/01/2019- Ricks Garage

Well a Birthday gig always held the promise of a wild night and it did not disappoint! Ricks was absolutely brimming last night.......with so many lovely folks who came out to help me celebrate my Birthday. Our gigs are always somewhere between  a whirlwind and a tornado for me. From arrival and set up, right through the actual show and pack down, it's one chaotic frantic melting pot of joy, and this one was all that..... on steroids!

Of course Ricks was the perfect venue to have my birthday, the foods always great, the staff are always exceptional and so friendly. Normally i don't drink while we are working but i did make an exception last night as so many lovely souls kept buying me tequilas, how could i refuse their generosity? Thanks to my  lovely new family , the Cast of 'A Girls Guide to World War' for coming along to support our gig and for the fabulous chocolate mud cake and unexpected pressies....ya'll shouldn't have!  Also a big shout out to the sweet hearts that drove up from Brissy to join the celebrations, i was touched by your presence. Also a big thanks to Katy for working out how to go live on facebook for us, so our man Hans could share a little of the Birthday vibe from his Hospital bed!  We missed ya mate!

I'm usually very conscious of keeping a good amount of dance tunes in our sets for Ricks, as there are always so many cool dancers to fill the floor and keep us mutually entertained, but Our repertoire last night was dictated purely by what are my favorites to play and sing. We pulled out a large number of original tunes, some we haven't played in years. And i did indulge myself with some of the slow blues that i love. My apologies to the dancers,if the tunes didn't flow as thick and fast as usual. The Chix banter and chit chat was in overdrive with everyone in the band well over excited, we didn't get through many of the songs on our list. Rest assured my friends, we'll be back to our usual upbeat pumping rhythms next gig. Hope we see ya there.

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